Is Assisted Living More Expensive Than A Nursing Home?

Senior Safety Advice
6 min readJan 26, 2021
comparing nursing home costs to assisted living costs

Costs vary from state to state but on average, nursing homes are more expensive than assisted living facilities. In 2020, the average yearly cost of a private nursing home room was $100,375. A high end assisted living facility averaged $84,000 a year.

As you debate between a nursing home or assisted living for your senior, one major deciding factor is going to be the cost.

Which of these two options would be pricier?

Let’s compare the two:

Nursing Home Costs

According to Senior, in 2020, a semi-private nursing home room may cost $245 a day. That’s $7,441 a month and $89,297 a year.

If you wanted a private room for your senior to live at the nursing home, you may be looking at costs of $275 a day, $8,365 a month, and $100,375 a year.

The current trend of nursing home pricing is on an upward trajectory:

  • For a semi-private room in 2016, you would have spent $82,128 a year. That same year, private rooms cost $92,376 annually.
  • It’s believed that by 2028, the annual…



Senior Safety Advice

Esther Kane & Robin Schiltz are Certified Senior Home Safety Specialists and we are here to help you age in place safely! Tips for seniors and their caregivers.